

01-17-08 ( Fawn The Cookie Monster )

fawn: hearing bitz she lays the cookie and juice on the table and runs to the door..stands on toes and reaches the handle opening it for her small but full grown wolf. " Come on bitz. " 

LadyDeanna: pours a cup for Lac and taking one of the plates with both nut bread and spice cake takes his tea and such to him... "Your light breakfast Lac."

fawn: bitz bites at her heels playfully squealing she runs back to the table and takes a sweet cookie off the plate and give it to the wolf.

Oradreth: " Thank you. "

LadyDeanna: smiles looking at the cookie being eatten by the puppy " Your welcome Lac. "

Oradreth: take the plate and carries it to the kitchen sets next to his daughter

fawn:  a tiny crumb given to baby dragon. pulls curls back around her little dragon.

fawn:  " Daddyyyyyyyyyy me not at the table!  You blind? "

Oradreth: "Guess so where are you "

fawn: points to the little plate between mommy's and her chair

Oradreth: looks around with his eyes closed

fawn: " The cookies right here me in the living room. " 

fawn: laughs and runs to daddy taking His hand

fawn: " Forwarddd forwardd...nooooo this way. "

fawn: pulls him to the left through the door

Oradreth: takes her hand and lets her lead him

LadyDeanna: moves back to the tray and repeats her actions but this time making sure that her red current cake is on his plate .. takes them over to M'Lord Beowolf .. " Your breakfast M'Lord. "

fawn: pulls daddy to his chair.

Oradreth: eyes still closed

LadyDeanna: glance over to her desk seeing the rose and blushes

fawn: "Okkkkkkkk you here now. "....moves his hand to his chair

Oradreth: feels for is chair

fawn: " There you chair. "

fawn: giggles at her daddy

fawn: " You not blind no more. "

Oradreth: opens his eyes .."WOw you are a miracle worker fawn I can see! "

fawn: "yup"

LadyDeanna: looks at the rose again and then to Beowolf then to the others and taking a moment to look to the card

Beowolf: looks at her and takes them from her touching her soft skin as he does so and says " Thank you. "

Oradreth: gets down on his knees and bows to the floor to her .." Thank you oh great one "

fawn: laughs and plays

fawn: rise up and sit and eat you food

fawn: motions with her hands for him to rise

LadyDeanna: feeling his hand touch her she blushes and looks back to the rose.

Oradreth: 'Thank you oh great one I am not worthy"

fawn: " What worthy is? "

Oradreth: stands up on his knees looking at the ground

Oradreth: " I do not desreve your greatness. "

fawn: " I not great I fawn. "

LadyDeanna: reading the card looks over to Beowolf and bushes very hard and says with out saying a word thank you...

Oradreth: reaches out and grabs her ...tickels her

fawn: hears the lady's thoughts to Beowolf. blinks and thinks to herself..."It was mushy"

Beowolf: looks at her and winks

LadyDeanna: takes the rose and placing it behind her left ear smiles and goes for her own cup of tea,,,

fawn: screams thoughts taken from the note and to the tickles...giggles

fawn: " Daddy stoppppppp! " 

fawn: squirms in giggles

Oradreth: tickles her some more

fawn: uncleeeeeeee uncleeeeeeee

Oradreth: stops and kisses her forhead

fawn: pheww

LadyDeanna: smiles brightly as she pours her tea and starts to think if something a special place ,,, and walks back to her desk and sits down in her chair and takes a sip looking at Beowolf

Beowolf: sip his tea and eats his cake thing how nice her cake tastes

ornybiker entered the room.

Oradreth: whispers to fawn

ornybiker: crosses the river eyeing the castle....*

Oradreth: I think they like each other what do you think

LadyDeanna: sips her tea as she looks for her writing pen,

Beowolf: look out over the realm to spot a drifter coming towards the castle

LadyDeanna: " umm has anyone seen my pen? "

fawn: feels in her mind a new person close..nods to her daddy mmm hmmm them do ....runs to the window and peeks out. points outside..

fawn:  " There someone out there!!"

Beowolf: " Yes I know. "

Oradreth: gets up and looks through the window

fawn: steps back her hands to her side little fists seen as she holds back her nerves.

ornybiker: *stops before the castle gates...drops hood to show no hidden malice...*

LadyDeanna: moves to the little princesses side and looks out the window

fawn: looks up to small one

fawn: " I fraid. "

Oradreth: " We are here fawn. "

ornybiker: *opens arms in a show of openness......*

LadyDeanna: looks down to the little Princess... and bending down says in a whisper.. " No need honey feel him. "

Beowolf: walks out the gate and opens it and welcomes the stranger in

fawn: takes in a breath and feels the thoughts of the stranger

LadyDeanna: smiles thats is listen to his heart

Beowolf: " greetings ornybiker."

fawn: " Him seem sad. "

ornybiker: *small bow* " Greetings Beowolf.....I am a traveller..weary...only asking for some respite..I bear no mailce or ill-will..."

LadyDeanna: " now calm and her him not bad man. "

Beowolf: " Then you may enter. " 

LadyDeanna: offers her hand to the Little Princess

fawn: puts a small hand in small ones.

LadyDeanna: " Shall we get your bitz some more cookies? "

ornybiker: * smiles to the little ones and follows Beowolf..*

fawn: " Yes, him likes them please. "

LadyDeanna: " Good lets go.. excuse us, you Gentleman, we are going on a cookie raid. "

LadyDeanna: starts down the stairs and whispers to her " Stay between me and the railing. "....... walks down to the sitting room holding the little princesses hand

LadyDeanna: whispers " Your doing fine."

fawn: looks up at Deanna.

LadyDeanna: smiles

fawn: " Stranger alllllllllllll gone? "

LadyDeanna: " Yes "

Oradreth: " Yes princess. "

LadyDeanna: looks over to the Princess and smiles

fawn: " I all better now. "

Oradreth: " Now what about my cookies? "

LadyDeanna: " Yes all better. "

fawn: " ohhhhhhhhh me forgot! "

fawn: drags Deanna into the kitchen

Oradreth: " My tounge is hanging to my knees and my stomach thinks my throat is cut."

LadyDeanna: gets dragged back to the kitchen

fawn: giggles

fawn: " ohhhhhhhh daddy. "

LadyDeanna: " Are you all right Lac? "

Oradreth: " My stomach is up against my backbone. "

fawn: " Him needs cookies. "

fawn: pushes the whole plate in front of him

LadyDeanna: " Yes he does. "

Oradreth: in his best Cookie MOnster Imitation he says ..."COOOOKKKIIIEESS"

LadyDeanna: goes and pours to glasses of milk... looking to M’ Lord Beowolf " Milk for your cookies? "

fawn: laughs and giggles joins in with her daddy.

Oradreth: smiles takes a cookie


Oradreth: " COOOOKIES! "

Beowolf: smiles wink to her " Thank you. "


fawn: rummmm yummmm as she munches on the cookies.

fawn: crumbs flying everywhere...


Oradreth: " COOOOKKKIESSSSS!!!! "

Oradreth: grabs a handful and stuffs them in his mouth

fawn: gigggggggles

LadyDeanna: puts the two glasses on the table between the two cookie monsters and giggles

Oradreth: pieces and crumbs falling everywhere

fawn: takes and mushes a cookie up shoves them in her mouth "" yummmmmmm COOKIEEEE" in a cookie monster voice to Deanna. " THANK YOUUUUUUU MILLLLLLKIE!!! "

LadyDeanna: shakes her head and just laughs

LadyDeanna: " Your welcome. "

Oradreth: laughs at his daughter as she does a better cookie monster than he does





01-25-2008 THE ADOPTION OF MihoI

MihoI: She sighs softly and thinks to herself.

MihoI: Miss Tamuri’l

Tamutil: yes dear

MihoI: Nevermind......

Tamuril: whats the matter Mihol

Tamuril: strokes her head to her back

Tamuril: slowling starts to hummmm

MihoI: its.....I cant ask what I want to....I dont know how to...

Oradreth: cleans up the coffee and tea that was spilt ... pours his heart and other cup of tea ..carries it to her

Tamuril: you can ask me anything huni do not be afraid

Oradreth: MihoI you can ask us anything you wish

Tamuril: thank you Lac

Oradreth: kisses Tamuri’l’s cheek and turns to pour himself another cup of coffee

Tamuril: /me smiles and sips her tea before placing the cup on the table to her right

MihoI: I want to would....take me in as your child....

Tamuril: smiles and looks to Lac

LadyRavenD: do you want that Mihol?

MihoI: yes...

Tamuril: Well then I think it would be fine as your sister is a member of my house it is only right that you should join us.

Oradreth: Yes of course we would

Oradreth: walks over and hands her a silver Elhaz rune on a chain of Mithrial

Tamuril: smiles as the Rune comes out

Oradreth: Wear this always MihoI it is the most powerful of all protective runes. It will protect you from all evil and all forms of attack both physical and psychic

MihoI: "I will be fine...I have something like that..."

Oradreth: points and a gold bracelet appears on her wrist with the word OHAN emblazened on it in emeralds

Oradreth: That is the family Motto it means Family First..None shall be left behind or forgotten

Tamuril: nods

Tamuril: touches her own rune

Oradreth: Now you just rest daughter

MihoI: All right....I do not like magical protections on me...makes me feel trapped somewhat...

Oradreth: it is not magic

Oradreth: and it is not meant as a trap

Oradreth: just keep it with you

MihoI: the rune?

Oradreth: yes the rune you don't have to wear it if you don't want to just keep it with you

MihoI: Id rather not...

Oradreth: ok

Tamuril: smiles its all right Lac it does not make her feel comfortable

Oradreth: it is up to you Princess

MihoI: she closes her eyes and mews weakly.

Tamuril: strokes her head

Oradreth: You rest daughter

MihoI: alright....good night...

Oradreth: good night sleep well

MihoI: she whispers softly before closing her eyes, falling into a deep sleep.

Tamuril: good night honey

 fawn: runs into her fathers arms. buries her face there.
Lac'Nala:  hugs his daughter and kisses the top of her head......
  " What troubles you my princess? "
 fawn: I hate boys daddy
 Lac'Nala: What has happened? Do I need to go cut a boys head off?
 fawn: it does not matter...I am happy to see you!! *shows Him her ring ...then puts her hand down laying her head to His knee  sniffles*  tell me of the dragons daddy.
 Lac'Nala: What do you want to know sweetheart
 fawn: when can i be big enought to ride on one ?
 Lac'Nala: I think you are big enough now..but only with Lokie, ok
 fawn: ok daddy
 Lac'Nala: and when you ride Lokie you must hang on real tight
 fawn: I am strong...~shows him her muscles in small arms~ 
 Lac'Nala: He has a chain around his neck and two leather reins that you must hold on to
  feels her muscles.... WOW these feel as stronger than any a warrior I have fought
 fawn:  smiles all proud of her muscles
 fawn: yes daddy
 Lac'Nala: And you must do just what Loki tells you, Loki has been protecting my family for centuries.  He is a good and trusted friend
 fawn: alright daddy
 Lac'Nala: looks at his daughter....." Did I ever tell you  how he saved me when I was no bigger than you.
 fawn: no daddy tell me.
 Lac'Nala:  passes his hand through the air and two pillows appear for them to sit on by the fire
  reaches into his pocket and takes out a loli pop hands to to fawn
 Lac'Nala: sits down....
 fawn: no daddy I have the others still thank you though.
 Lac'Nala: Ok honey...well I was no bigger than you are now and my mother told me never to go into a cave near our home.
  Being adventurous and thinking my mother did not know anything about caves  I went into the cave.
           It was dark and cold....I had a torch with me so I followed a twisted and turned and went down and down and down
 fawn: sits with chin in hands and listens.
 Lac'Nala: there were many chambers filled with bats  and huge colums of stone, the walls glistened with crystals, emeralds, diamonds and rubies. The path was wet from water dripping from the cieling and pool formed on the floor in some places.
 fawn:  eyes go wide as she listens
 Lac'Nala: There were underground lake and rivers there too. I went down further an it started to get warmer and warmer. Soon I began seeing rivers of melted rock and lakes of fire
  Then I thought I heard the sound of feet on the wet path
  You know how it sounds ?
 fawn: yes daddy...what happened then????
 Lac'Nala: Well I drew my little sword and turned around quickly but no one was there. so I went on down and down and down. Tther wer many dark rooms of stone on either sid e of me  and I saw bones of animals and people  on the ground
 fawn:  feels the handle of her own little sword. 
 Lac'Nala: Then I felt a cold clammy hand touch my shoulder and heard a slow hissing sound. The voice hissed  softly to me and said . " You feel nice and tender little elf."
  "I bet you are quite tasty too."
 fawn: and you beat the voice up???
 Lac'Nala: I spun around with my sword but no one was there.   I went  further down the path untill there was a stone bridge over a lake of fire and it went to an island in the lake.
    So I crossed  the bridge ..because I new I could turn and face the voice there and not worry about something sneaking up behind me.
  The stone bridge was old and crumbly
 fawn:  holds her breath listening.
Lac'Nala: When I walked across it sstones  fell off it...I got to the island and turned around facing the bridge. Then I felt two slimy hands on my shoulders and the feel of a tounge on my neck and a hissssssss
  The voice said " MMMMMMMMMMM tastey indeed.... me thinkssssssss i willlls hasssss yous  for diner
 Lac'Nala: I turned around again and there was a 10 foot tall cave troll standing there with long fingers and a mouth full of razor sharp teeth
  I swung my sword, like my father taught me, and cut off two of his fingers
 fawn: so they areeeeeee real!!
  I knew it!
  Lac'Nala: Well he was not very happy about loosing his fingers to a small boy
  He grabbed me and picked me up, when he did my swoird fell to the ground ....bringing me closer to his mouth
 Lac'Nala: opened his mouth  and brought me still closer to it
 fawn:  squeels and hides her head in her daddy's knee.
 Lac'Nala: Then I heard the flapping of wings and felt a very hot wind blow across me...... the troll dropped me on the ground and growled, then he screamed so loud that rocks fell from the ceiling
 fawn:  peeks up and looks to her daddy
 fawn: Loki!!!!!!! yeahhhhhh
  claps hands together.
 Lac'Nala: I hit my head on a rock and almost passed out... but I looked up and Loki had singed all the hair off the trolls body and the trolls head was in Loki's mouth
  You know he swallowed that roll in one gulp
 fawn: noooooooooo he ate Him up??? 
  scrinches her nose at how the troll had to taste yucky
 Lac'Nala: Yes he ate that troll
  Well my head was bleeding and there was a large cut on my shoulder.....Lokie picked me up in his talons as gentley as when your mother picks you up.
 fawn: oh daddy. pouts hearing He was hurt
 Lac'Nala: He leapeed into the air just as the bridge fell into the lake of fire.......We few up and up and up and up for almost an hour we flew up
 fawn: right into clouds?
 Lac'Nala: And all of a sudden we burst out of a cave at the top of the mountain into the clear blue sky
Lac'Nala: Loki flew over mountains and through clouds and he took me home to my mother.
 fawn:  claps little hands together as she listens.
 fawn: was your mommy scared of Loki daddy?
 Lac'Nala: No sweetheart but she creid when she saw loki bring me it seems I had been gone for a week
 fawn: did she think He did it?
 Lac'Nala: and everyone was looking for me...No my princess she knew Loki
 fawn: oh good
 fawn: so everyone think daddy was dead.
 Lac'Nala: Loki and his father and his fathers father  had been our protectors for centuries
  Yes the feared I was. My mother hugged me and nursed me back to health.
  She scolded me for not doing what I had been told though
  I had to wash dishes and clean out the stables for two weeks and could not ride my hrse for three weeks
        She hugged Loki, gave him troll steaks and thanked him
 fawn:  smiles and hugs her daddy tight
 fawn: I'm happy Your alive daddy
 Lac'Nala: I am too sweetheart because if I had died I could never have been your father.

 Lac'Nala: Do you see that when we as your parents tell you not  to do something it is for your own saftey?
  It is not that we are being mean
 fawn:  makes a face at Him...mommy and daddys they pose to be mean.
 Lac'Nala: No honey they are not suppose to be mean....but they are suppose to protect you and teach you right from wrong
  And to teach you you have to take resposibilty for your own actions.
      Your mother and I love you very much Fawn and we don't want anything happening to you
 fawn: I am a good girl daddy
 Lac'Nala: You are the best sweetheart
  I am very proud to call you daughter
 fawn: thank you 
 Lac'Nala: How about some cold mashed taters
  Your mother is sleeping so we can eatem with our fingers
  If you don't tell on me
 fawn:  giggles at her daddy
 fawn: I eat dem with my fingers when mommy not looking.
 Lac'Nala: I know
  They taste better off your fingers I think
 fawn: hugs you...i loved the story.
 Lac'Nala: Hugs his daughter back....."I am glad you did, sweetheart. Now lets go get some taters."



It was on my last journey, I had traveled north to the mountains of Oron_D_Naar back to the ruins of my home....

The snows have already fallen in the mountains and the passes will soon be blocked

The snow has gotten waist deep in places and the rivers in the mountains are but a sheet of ice. The mountain lakes shimmer in the sunlight and the air feels like needles against your skin.

I found a cave to camp in the first night, and could see the claw marks of the great bear upon the walls. So cut some branches and blocked the entrance to keep out the snow

built small warming fire and staked stones over it so the rocks would heat and bring warmth to the cave, Ii could hear the wolves howling outside, talking to each other, saying " Lac_Nala, heir to the throne of Oro_D-Naar has returned! "

I went to the entrance and howled ...." Yes I have returned to my lands, my people and the home of my fathers."... soon three silver and gray wolves approach and nuzzled my hands, I reached down and petted the noble beast and took them into my cave ....they laid down by the entrance and watched over me while I slept.

When morning came they were gone and there was fresh meat for me, paw marks all about where they had paced to be sure I was safe.

I proceeded on through the pass to a Great waterfall, the outside frozen like a giant curtain. The inside ran cascading down from the cliff 300 feet above. My black stallion and I stepped behind the ice and behind the waterfall and into a hidden cave. We walked down a long pathway towards an inner chamber, twisting left then right and right again. Left my horse to graze and rest on a soft bed of hay, with water, oats and hay to refresh him...The peoples of the mountains maintain this sacred place ( looks into space as he speaks his eyes growing distant as he remembers). I walked down a passage way, chamber the passage ways and chambers lit by torches along the walls, and across a stone bridge that spanned a canyon 200 feet across and no one knows how deep...around six twisting bends, into a great chamber to the place where my Father, Mother and Brother rest awaiting the ships to carry them across the great sea.

As I knelt at the great stone vaults that are their resting places ...........(His face becomes saddened and distant.. the scar on his cheek becomes more prominent and his eyes become misty … clears his throat and continues ).....I placed my hand upon the tomb of my mother and spoke " Amin no' I' men en' maranwe ( tread the path of destiny ) …… Amin a' I' lammen en' lle atara ( I hear your word mother ) " I said a prayer to the gods to let them rest in peace and tranquillity, as they had tried to live. Rising I went to a great oaken chest with cold bands and opened it.. form it I took the ceremonial crystal diamond edged mithrial, emerald, and ebony hilted broad sword on my fathers out, the two Elven long knives he had made for me when I was born, the crown of my mother, and two mitrial bladed diamond edged daggers of my mothers and her ceremonial, crystal and mithrial bladed diamond edge elven Long knife, and two princes crowns and two princesses crowns wrapped each in mountain lion skin. Those in bear skin and laid them on the ground. I took my shield with the Oron_D_Narr crest upon it and laid it on my fathers tomb.. * placing a hand on it ………….. said a small prayer picked up the bear shins and left extinguishing the torches as I left.

I placed the bear skin packages upon my horse and then walked back to the entrance of the tomb chamber and rolled a great stone across the entrance ... mounted my horse and began my journey back, to my family.

End of Part 1


Why Coyotes Are The Color Of Dirt

Oradreth: Do you know why the Coyote is the color of dirt Moonkins

Moonkins: So they can blend in with their surroundings?

Oradreth: Yes but do you know how they became that color?

Moonkins: no...

Oradreth: Well, the bluebird was once a very ugly color. But there was a lake where no river flowed in or out, and the bird bathed in it four times every morning for four mornings. Every morning it sang:

"There a blue water, it lies there...I went in.. I am all blue.

On the fourth morning it shed all its feathers and came out of the lake in its bare skin. All this while Coyote had been watching the bird. He wanted to jump in and get it, but was afraid of the water. On the fifth morning he said

       " How is it that all your ugly color has come out and now you are blue and gray and beautiful? You're more beautiful than anything that flies in the air. I want to be blue too." Coyote was at that time a bright green. " I went in four times." the bird said, and taught Coyote the song. So Coyote went in four times, and the fifth time he came out as blue as the little bird.

       That made him feel very proud. As he walked along, he looked on everyside to see if anyone was noticing how fine and blue he was. He looked to see if his shadow was blue too, and so he was not watching the road. Presently he ran into a stump so hard that it threw him down in the dirt, and he became dust-covered all over.

     And to this day all Coyotes are the color of dirt.

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