ten years of peace, the clouds of war have darkened the skies of Oron_D_Narr. What Lac'Nala had always feared has come to
pass. A vast army has crossed the borders to the west. Causing mass destrution and death in its wake.
Lac'Nala had no choice but
to leave his family and comand his forces to the west. Driving the armies back slowly. Unknown to him and in secret
another army crossed the borders to the east, overrunning the lands and the small force that was left to gaurd Orophine_Se'remela.
Storming the walls the massive force crushed the outer and inner walls, layin seige the keep. Tamuril and the children
escaped, with a large party of his people through the secret passage that led through the mountain. Tanuril and the children
have vanished. As if the moutain itself had consumed them.
Hearing of this Lac'Nala unable to leave his command,
for fear of loosing everything, and his people falling into tyranical rule again. Has sent a vast force to search for his
The commander of this force, returned to inform him that they had found the remains of a woman and children at
the base of a cliff. The woman wore a wedding ring and a dragon crest ring, the children wore the dragon crest rings of Oron_D_Naar.
fury led his armies to desemate the invading forces to the west. He then turned his fury to the east driving, the invadaers
from the land, giving no quarter. Once the bourders were once again secure, he left his first night as Steward.
once again wanders the wilds as a Ranger